Exam Prep for the OT & OTA Exam - Pass The OT

Master exam content

Learn to break down questions

Eliminate guesswork

Overcome test anxiety

Know what to study

Structured and flexible course that simplifies studying.

We Offer Accommodation Quizzes!
2900 timed/untimed questions

Test prep questions that are spot on, have clear rationales, and simulate the pressure of the actual exam.

50 hours of videos/audios & proprietary games

Comprehensive study material that caters to all learning styles and is designed to make studying fun and easier

114 highlighted study charts

Highlighted, engaging study charts on all the key topics to help you retain complex material easier and ensure that you are not overwhelmed. All charts have a text-to-speech feature available.

Customized study schedules

You may go through our program as fast or as slow as you like. In each package, we have customized study guides for students taking the exam in two, four, eight, or sixteen weeks and more.

Assessment Test/Cumulative Exams

Identify your strengths and weaknesses and pinpoint the areas you need to focus the most on to improve your scores. These exams will also provide you with a benchmark on how you would perform on the actual exam.

Weekly Group Tutoring Sessions

Get help from licensed OT practitioners who are dedicated to help you pass. All sessions incorporate learning how to break down questions which will help you choose the correct answer when two answer choices seem correct. All group sessions are recorded.

And many other exclusives you won't find anywhere else, that makes studying so much easier.
Best Learning Program


So Grateful!!!

Pass the OT helped me pass my exam by 21 points. I highly recommend this website! It highlights important information and breaks it down for you. I used this to prep for my third time taking the NBCOT® exam and I swear it is the reason finally passed.

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Carl G


Best Learning Program


Best NBCOT® Prep Course Available!

I passed the NBCOT® exam on the first try with
a 532 and am now a COTA®. I could not have achieved such a great score without the guidance and support from PASS THE OT.

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Miranda – COTA®


Your program is completely unique in the approach, and I am now convinced that it made all the difference in helping my former students pass the NBCOT® exam. Jeanne Gorman OT®/L Director, OTA Program Director, Connors State College

Comparison with other Prep Courses

Pass the OT compared to other study prep for the NBCOT® Exam.

Features Avaliable Therapy ED AOTA® Online True Learn NBCOT® Study Pack OT Help Desk
2000+ Questions
Group Tutoring
Private Tutoring
Timed Quizzes
Audio Recording & Videos
Simplified Charts
Payment Plans
Review Wrong Answers
Customized Study Plans
Clear Rational
Quick Sorting
Mobile App

If you do not pass after using one of our paid packages, we will provide you our web course at no cost for the duration that you previously purchased it for as well as a $40 discount to purchase for private tutoring sessions.

We have helped thousands students, just like you:
101 Pts Highest Score Increase
87.5% Of Members Pass the NBCOT® Exa
4200+ Students Helped Since 2013
Our program has been beneficial to many types of learners, including:

Students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Students who failed more than ten times.Students who speak English as a second language. Students who graduated more then eight years ago.

Pas the OT made a world of a difference for me. I had Erika as my tutor who is very educated on topics of the field and the testing topics. She was able to explain things to me I never knew about and i was truly happy. I received a passing grade of 471 when last time I got a 444”Pakize A.

Private Tutoring and Live Sessions

Get help from licensed OT’s who are dedicated and will go the extra mile to help you pass. Our students average a 6 point increase with each private tutoring session.

Private tutoring is included at the discounted price with some of our study packages, or may also be purchased separately.

Customer Reviews

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