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Prepare for the NBCOT® Exam with these Quick Resources

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Excellent Test Taking Tips

Written by Stephanie Shane OT/L, Founder of “Pass the OT”

Most of the time, students have a difficult time breaking down the question so that they understand what the question is really asking or they have difficulty choosing the correct answer

Getting close to exam date

As you get closer to your exam date, it is important to do an overall review. This is when you may want to look at flashcards, overall study guides, and take cumulative tests. This is the time to focus on material that you are less interest in or are consistently week in (i.e., nerves in the hand, feeding and swallowing, ACL, IEP).

helpful resource for children

Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics

1. Demonstrate a concern for the safety and well being of service recipients.

2. Kindness, charity, helping others, preventing harm, removing conditions that will cause harm, helping those with a disability.

Occupational Therapy Frames of Reference

A frame of reference is a theoretical basis for a treatment approach. This chart outlines the frames of reference commonly used in occupational therapy treatment and provides examples of how these frames of references are applied.

met levels

MET Levels

1. Class I- no limits to activity. MET 6.5

2. Class II- Slight activity limit, comfort at rest, ordinary activity causes fatigue, pain, dyspnea, and palpitations. MET 4.5

Development at 0-3 Months “Bobbing Headed Billy” … who accidentally rolls to side

Development at 0-3 Months “Bobbing Headed Billy” … who accidentally rolls to side

NBCOT® Exam Success with Pass the OT

Although both the OT (Occupational Therapist Registered) exam and the OTA (Certified Occupational Therapy Assessment) are developed and administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, or NBCOT®, the term “NBCOT® exam” typically refers to the OT exam and OTA exam.



Handwriting is a fundamental skill for anyone school age and above. The underlying skills required for handwriting, as well as ideas for therapeutic activities to address handwriting with children, are reviewed in the following chart.

Individualized Education Programs (IEP)

An individualized education program, or IEP, is a written plan that specifies goals and objectives for learning for students in the public school system that have been identified as having a disability. IEPs are mandated for students with disabilities by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004.

Individualized Education Programs (IEP)



C bar splint

Median Nerve Injury

Used to maintain web space

No joint stabilization

Hand and Upper Extremity Worksheet

People who cannot move the thumb away from the rest of the hand. It is an inability to abduct the thumb. High median nerve injury at the elbow or proximal forearm.

hands upper extremity

physical agent modalites

Physical Agent Modalities

Physical agent modalites are those procedures and interventions that are systematically applied to modify specific client factors when neurological, musculoskeletal, or skin conditions are present that may be limiting occupational performance.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, abbreviated COPD, involves chronic inflammation of the lungs that reduces airflow. COPD is progressive and there is no cure. It is the third leading cause of death in the United States. COPD primarily affects middle aged and elderly adults and is not contagious.


Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning

This scale was developed in 1972 by Chris Hagen, PhD, Danese Malkmus, M.A. and Patricia Durham, M.A. of the Communications Disorders Services Department of Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey, California.

Bottom Up vs Top Down Approach

The term “bottom up” and “top down” refer to the approach occupational therapists take when evaluating and treating patients. This chart will focus on the definitions and differences between these two approaches.


Assistive Technology for People who use Wheelchairs

A device that allows switches to be mounted on or near the headrest of a wheelchair.Switches are activated by moving the head to press the switch.




Wheelchair Types, Components, and Assistive Technology

The following charts will review types of wheelchairs, the parts of a wheelchair, and various assistive technology items that people who use wheelchairs utilize.

Neurodegenerative and Neuromuscular Disorders

This handout is a supplement to the audio lesson of the same title. The following chart will review the definition, symptoms, and interventions for multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and myasthenia gravis.

Mental Health Diagnoses and Behaviors (PART – 1)

People with mental health diagnoses often display certain patterns of behavior. The following charts will review mental health diagnoses, some of the behaviors associated with mental health conditions, and the therapeutic approaches that have been determined to be effective in addressing these behaviors.